Greg Brown, Hon. AIA Dallas
Greg was the Program Director for the Dallas Center for Architecture, where he oversaw programming, partnerships, fundraising, and outreach. In his 11 years of service, he researched and created the downtown Dallas walking tours, as well as many of the DCFA’s most beloved programs, lectures, and exhibitions.
Greg was a true ambassador of architecture – speaking to community groups across North Texas and at conferences across the country. He was a talented writer and frequent contributor to statewide publications, as well as AIA Dallas’ Columns magazine. Greg was recognized with honorary membership in AIA Dallas in 2016. He served on the Board of Directors of the Association of Architecture Organizations.
Greg worked in the arts and arts education in Dallas for almost 25 years. Prior to joining DCFA, he was managing director of the AFI DALLAS International Film Festival. A native Dallasite, he earned undergraduate degrees and his M.B.A. from SMU. He went on to work at SMU’s Meadows School of the Arts in a variety of roles, including as managing director of both the Meadows School and the Meadows Museum.