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Attention high school juniors and seniors! You are invited to our annual Architecture + Design College Fair. The in-person event will include practicing architects, interns, current students, professors from local universities, and representatives or alumni from universities offering a degree in architecture or related fields.

Students, parents, teachers, and counselors will be able to ask questions, receive first-hand information on what it takes to become an architect, and learn how each university architectural program is unique. Students can take advantage of additional sessions at the fair that will offer portfolio and resume reviews, financial aid opportunities, and more.

Plus, we’re giving away some great prizes – you won’t want to miss it!

Students, Parents, & Teachers


Register to attend a morning - 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM - or afternoon - 12:00 - 3:00 PM session.

Colleges & Universities


All colleges & universities offering degrees in architecture, interior design, landscape architecture, architectural engineering, urban planning, construction science and/or related careers are invited to participate. Registration ends Friday, October 4.

Presenting Sponsor

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Sponsorship opportunities currently available are listed below. Availability of the following sponsorships are subject to change without notice. Please contact Cindy Stanley at cstanley@aiadallas.org to secure your sponsorship today.

  • Formal acknowledgement at the event
  • Opportunity to provide prizes or promotional items to attendees
  • Company logo on event signage and all digital promotions

  • Formal acknowledgement at the event
  • Company name on event signage and all digital promotions