Success Teams Applications Now Open

Application Deadline Extended! Friday, July 12
Cost: $150 AIA Members / $220 Non-Members per track

The ARE Success Teams Program is an accelerated study program designed to support ARE candidates through a structured and focused approach. During the program, we will provide the materials, mentorship, and camaraderie needed to pass the Architect Registration Examination (ARE). The program is comprised of recurring study sessions where all participants gather and go over study materials, study tips, exam experiences, and occasionally compete in friendly ARE Trivia games or attend ARE lectures.

Associates with an active NCARB Record, who are eligible to test, are welcome. Participants are required to show proof of ARE Eligibility from NCARB. AIA members will enjoy a discounted rate to enroll in the program.

In the application, participants will sign an agreement committing to taking the exams in the same order and on the same schedule as the other group members throughout the course of their track. They will also agree to meet weekly to share tips, exchange information, offer support, and commiserate with understanding colleagues.

As a team member, you will commit to working with other members to develop a realistic schedule for taking each section of the exam, attending all meetings scheduled by the group and continuing to support group members until every member has passed all of his or her exams.

Learn more about the ARE Success Teams Program >>

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