The Advanced Leadership Program (ALP) began in 2012 as a next step after Emerging Leaders to address topics such as leadership effectiveness, influencing in complex environments, conflict management, and decision-making. The program is updated and reformatted for 2024 as a 10-month “mini-MBA” program titled The Advanced Leadership Development Program (ALDP) and is now designed for senior leaders to help navigate elevated leadership roles, such as principals, junior principals, design directors, partners, and small firm owners.
Applications for the 2024-2025 Advanced Leadership Development Program are being accepted until 5:00pm on Monday, May 20, 2024.
The following are imperative for an applicant’s acceptance:
- The online application form must be completed in its entirety. All information is mandatory.
- At least one, but no more than three references must be provided using this online reference form.
- Completed application and reference form(s) are due by 5:00pm, Monday, May 20, 2024.
When the application period closes, the selection committee will promptly begin the review and selection process. Late submissions will not be considered.
Admission to the program is based on the applicant meeting all criteria. Preference will be given to current AIA Dallas members.
All applicants will be notified of the decision by June 6, 2024. Upon notification, invoices for program fees will be sent to all selected applicants who may choose to forward to their sponsoring firm. Payment of tuition must be received by August 1, 2024.
The 2024-2025 Advanced Leadership Development Program Kicks off this August
Credit: 3.0 LU per session for total of 15 sessions
AIA Dallas is offering a new program for the development of senior leaders in the architecture and design professions, including principals, associate principals, partners, junior partners, directors of design, and small firm owners.
The content of the inaugural “mini-MBA” program will be a blend of individual learning and reflection, lively class discussions, and team-based simulations and experiences. Here is what can be expected for the sessions:
August 16 – Introduction to Strategy: Chess versus Checkers + Risky Business: Understanding and Managing Risks for Architects [full day, 2 sessions]
September 20 – Easy Steps to Organization and Personal Branding [half day, 1 session]
October 18 – The Talent War: Hiring, Engaging, and Retaining Great Talent + Coaching and Mentoring to Strategically Upskill Your Workforce[full day, 2 sessions]
November 15 – Creating and Leading High-Performing Teams [half day, 1 session]
December 6 – Developing Financial Acumen to Make Sound Business Decisions [full day, 2 sessions]
January 17 – Creating a Shared Vision and Communication Styles [half day, 1 session]
February 28 – The Modern Leader + Purpose, Power and Presence – Owning Your Executive Influence [full day, 2 sessions]
March 21 – The Rising Role of Emotional and Relationship Intelligence in Leadership [half day, 1 session]
April 11 – Leading Change [full day, 2 sessions]
May 16 – Integration and Capstone Presentations + Graduation Luncheon
Sessions will take place on Fridays, alternating full days (8:30a – 4:30p) and half days (8:30a – 12:00p). Lunch will be provided on full days and graduation.
Program Requirements
To qualify for this program, an applicant must be:
- Employed full-time by an architectural firm in the immediate chapter area of AIA Dallas or AIA Northeast Texas,
- A senior leader in their firm, including individuals who are a principal, associate principal, partner, junior partner, section leader, design director, or small firm owner,
- In good standing with the American Institute of Architects and all other professional organizations, and
- Able to commit the time and effort necessary to fully participate in this program.
A tuition fee of $3,750* shall be paid on or before August 1, 2024. Tuition is non-refundable on the date of the program’s first session, August 16, 2024. Late payment of the tuition forfeits your candidacy which will be offered to the first qualified alternate.
*Tuition for a non-AIA member is $4,750.
Continuing Education Credits
Assuming 100% attendance, participants who are AIA members will receive approximately 45 learning units upon completion of the program.
The AIA Dallas Advanced Leadership Development Program requires a significant commitment of time and effort. Participation involves one Friday per month from August 2024 to May 2025, alternating between full days of two sessions (8:30a – 4:30p) and half days of one session (8:30a – 12:00p), with preliminary assignments for each of the sessions.
Participants must be able to fulfill program attendance requirements to graduate. Missing three Fridays or more will result in dismissal from the program.
All sessions will be in-person. Lunch will be provided on the full days.